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Atlanta, GAUSA


Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias April 9, 2023
The #BRICS Group, consisting ot Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is currently working on a new currency. While discussing the transition to settlements in national currency the BRICS Group has discussed the possibility of a single BRICS currency. This currency's secure gold.

Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL February 10, 2023
On May 9, 1899, John Albert Burr patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower. Burr designed a lawn mower with traction wheels and a rotary blade that was designed to not easily get plugged up from lawn clippings. John Albert Burr also improved the design of it to mow closer to walls #Johnalbertburr #28daysofblackhistory #americanblackhistory #Africa #Lawnmower

Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans August 23, 2022
Podcast: How Black Lives Truly Matter | Magatte Wade and Dr Jordan B Magatte Wade is a serial entrepreneur, inspirational speaker, and visionary business leader with a passion for creating positive change in Africa. Founder and CEO of SkinIsSkin.com #JordanPeterson #JordanBPeterson #DrJordanPeterson
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