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Atlanta, GAUSA


Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias April 9, 2023
The #BRICS Group, consisting ot Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa is currently working on a new currency. While discussing the transition to settlements in national currency the BRICS Group has discussed the possibility of a single BRICS currency. This currency's secure gold.

Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran January 27, 2023
All jokes aside this is like living in the movie idiocracy. Would we take China or Russia seriously if their administrations were like this #Idiocracy #Bidenadmin #Clownshow #Koryyeshua

Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran January 24, 2023
Notbing to see here... I'm sure is fake news 😁 #Fbi #Russia #Russiagate #Trump

Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans January 8, 2023
The gas heating prices in California have suddenly TRIPLED over what was already suddenly DOUBLED. Meaning we are now paying FIVE TIMES higher gas rates than what we paid in November. WHY? Because the US is selling gas to Europe because we forced them to cut off gas with Russia. #Russia #gas #inflation

Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran December 19, 2022
Russian President Vladimir Putin addresses the threat of nuclear weapons as NATO ramps up sending long-range weapons to Ukraine. He got a little tipsy and was candid with reporters about it. Meanwhile, the EU announced the , ninth round of sanctions against Russia and the U.S. #Russia #Vladimir #Putin #Nato #Ukraine #Redacted
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Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson December 10, 2022
Imagine the precedent that we are setting by trading one of the worlds most dangerous arms dealers for a celebrity. Unfortunately this will only encourage other regimes and bad actors to treat Americans abroad poorly in my opinion. #Elchapo #Britney #Griner #russia #Bidenlogic

Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown October 17, 2022
God protect all the innocent citizens who just want to protect and provide for their families and live in peace, no matter what country they are from. 😞 ☹ 🙏 #Russia #China #XiJinping #Putin
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Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran October 5, 2022
In a mystery worthy of a Cold War-era spy novel natural gas supply lines linking Russia to Europe were hit by unexplained underwater explosions in the Baltic Sea this week. The culprit is unknown, as is the precise cause, so if this is sabotage, who might have done it, and who stands to benefit ? #ukraine #war #russia
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Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran September 29, 2022
Vladimir Putin grants full Russian citizenship to Edward Snowden 🙃 #nsa #wistleblower #russia #snowden

Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon September 14, 2022
Putin has a DEVASTATING message for Germany and the EU | Redacted with Clayton Morris Germany's economy continues to collapse due to its NATO conflict with Russia. Was this the plan all along? #redacted #claytonmorris #europe #putin #russia
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