The 2022 Recession Is Here (How To Prepare & Profit)
The 2022 recession is upon us.
Here’s how we know it’s approaching, and how YOU can prepare and profit.
A recession is defined as two consecutive quarters of negative GDP growth.
Q1 2022 saw a -1.6% contraction, but how do we know Q2 will likely also be a contraction?
There are some
The Atlanta Fed GDP Now tool predicts a -1.5% contraction for Q2 2022, but what data does it use to make this prediction?
The Atlanta Fed GDP Now model mimics the methods used by the BEA to estimate real GDP growth.
The GDPNow forecast is constructed by aggregating statistical model forecasts of 13 subcomponents that comprise GDP.
Here are some other charts that support that the recession is here...Small Business Optimism is the lowest EVER.
In the history of this index by the University of Michigan, respondents have never surveyed this negatively about their business outlook.
#GDP #recession #finances #prepare #profit #UnemploymentRates #consumer #yield #growth #rates

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