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1Followers 4Posts
Atlanta, GAUSA
Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL January 13, 2022
👏Exactly. Critical thinkers not “conspiracy theorists” #criticalthinkers #conspiracytheorists #truthseeker #truth #lies #false
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VoicerMedia Login to follow!
@VoicerMedia December 27, 2021
NYT Battles Project Veritas in Court #projectveritas #truthseeker #transparency
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey December 27, 2021
"Do as I say Or else"😠 #truthseeker #intimidation #coercion #force
Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey December 13, 2021
You can carry on with your lives as if nothing is happening and keep complying, but don't complain when all this starts to have negative effects on you and your family. #truthseeker