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Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon August 13, 2022
I Can't Believe He Did This! As Justin Trudeau now joins the Netherlands, Germany and Sri Lanka in making applying pressure to farmers over emissions, do politicians and their rich friends they give tax cuts to follow the same climate goals'? #justintrudeau #canada #farmersprotest #climatechange
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Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran August 4, 2022
A year after his classic fuhrer-style rant, newly-unsealed court documents reveal that Justin Trudeau’s government had no scientific basis for a ban on domestic travel by unvaccinated Canadians. #canada #trudeau #vaccine #unvaccinated #travelban #gov
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A year after his classic fuhrer-style rant, newly-unsealed court documents reveal that Justin Trudeau’s government had no scientific basis for a ban on domestic travel by unvaccinated Canadians. Full report: https://t.co/Ttd2PVgsnxpic.twitter.com/CZCbS2aXKY
— LLadany (@lladany) August 2, 2022

Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus July 19, 2022
Support for Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau is plummeting, according to a recent poll. The Postmedia-Leger poll found 55 per cent of Canadians "strongly" or "somewhat" disapprove of Mr Trudeau' #justintrudeau #canadianprimeminister #poll #Canada
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Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus July 19, 2022
Joe Rogan: Canada Is COMMUNIST, 'Dictator' Justin Trudeau Has GOT TO GO | Batya & Robby Discuss #thehill #rising #justintrudeau #joerogan #canada #communist #communism
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Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL June 5, 2022
Justin Trudeau wants "new tools" to tackle online "misinformation". This, as Canada introduces national digital ID. So, is Trudeau right that the world is getting more dangerous? #trudeau #digitalid #misinformation #canada #censhorship
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Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias March 3, 2022
It's Offial: They Lied! As Canada's finance intelligence expert admits that Freedom Convoy donors posed no threat, we ask, what's the real reason they were cut off f?rom financial services #lies #trucker #trudeau #freedomconvoy2022
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