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Atlanta, GAUSA
Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown April 29, 2024
Good news! Your tax dollars fund wars and smear anti-war voices.
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Good news! Your tax dollars fund wars and smear anti-war voices. Feeling emotional? That's disinformation. pic.twitter.com/SRzTE7YfcF
— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) April 27, 2024
Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson December 25, 2022
The $1.7 TRILLION OMNIBUS BILL What the hell are all these politicians doing? All they want to do is spend money they do not have, and make us pay taxes. #conservative #conservativenews #conservativemedia #conservativenews #republican #news #media #american #america #biden #economy #thedailydrop
Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey August 24, 2022
When conservatives advocate for lower taxes, deregulation or any other policies, the onus should be on them to articulate what the negative effects of those policies will be, how theywill mitigate them, and why that's the best trade-off. Same goes for liberals.
Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon August 13, 2022
I Can't Believe He Did This! As Justin Trudeau now joins the Netherlands, Germany and Sri Lanka in making applying pressure to farmers over emissions, do politicians and their rich friends they give tax cuts to follow the same climate goals'? #justintrudeau #canada #farmersprotest #climatechange
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Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran July 18, 2022
Playbook: Bernie unloads on Manchin #manchin #sanders #taxes #climate #democratagenga
Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez July 5, 2022
Las siglas LLC significan Limited Liability Company y es la entidad más utilizada para formar una empresa en Estados Unidos (USA). Es muy sencillo, rapido y economico. #llc #taxes #Business
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Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez July 5, 2022
Como me PAGO si tengo una LLC (Limited Liability Company)? #mjbetterbooks #tutambienpuedes #LLC #tutambienpuedes #taxes #compañia #negocios
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Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez July 5, 2022
¿Trabajas por tu cuenta? SELF-EMPLOYED & 1099 DEDUCCIONES que te AHORRAN $$$ 8 Deducciones que te Ahorran Dinero en tus Impuestos #ytutambienpuedes #tutambienpuedes #taxes #1099 #selfemployed #codigotributario #millaje
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Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL May 13, 2022
Correction : they don’t care about Ukraine, they send money to launder and clean to line their own pockets The Ukrainian people are not getting 💩 #ukraine #ukrainefacts #swamp #gasprices #taxes
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