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Atlanta, GAUSA
Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus December 25, 2022
Summer 2021, I went to Walgreen's to get vaccine. I wanted J&J because of 1 dose instead of 2. The Walgreen's staff said I need to schedule for J&J but I can take Pfizer or Moderna immediately. I declined. Do some research on vaccine and never take it. Save by the bell. #moderna #mrna #pfizer #j&j #covid19 #vaccine
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We were hoping these would get in and out of the body in a few days. Looks like they are long lasting genetic installations doing a tremendous amount of damage. Courtesy Liberty Hour with @ALEXNEWMAN_JOU @dchomecoming #courageousdiscourse pic.twitter.com/TjAJe5t2tK
— Peter A. McCullough, MD, MPH™ (@P_McCulloughMD) December 24, 2022
Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL June 22, 2022
Some job seekers don’t want to use a staffing agency because they think these agencies only provide entry-level, temporary jobs. Others think that agencies never provide benefits to workers. No true. #staffing #temporary #staffingagency #jobs
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 16, 2022
Dr Steve James, who confronted the Health Secretary regarding COVID vaccinations, says NHS staff "do not want to be coerced" into getting a vaccine and making them mandatory is "wrong". #vaccines #covidvaccine #VaccineMandates #choice #bodyauthonomy
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