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Atlanta, GAUSA


RoswiloD Login to follow!
@RoswiloD February 4, 2024
Ancient Romans used a sponge on a stick, known as a "spongia," as a primitive form of toilet paper. The sponge was kept in a bucket of saltwater and shared among people in public restrooms. It might not be the most glamorous aspect of Roman life but it's an interesting glimpse into their habits

Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL November 13, 2023
The ancient Romans used a system of numbering based on letters of the alphabet. For example, I is 1, V is 5, X is 10, L is 50, C is 100, D is 500, and M is 1000. This system is known as Roman numerals, and it's still used today in certain contexts, such as numbering the chapters, super bowls #romans #alphabet #letters

Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown September 12, 2022
In this episode, Roman sat down with “Papa” John Schnatter, founder of Papa John’s Pizza, to discuss why it seems like most public companies eventually turn progressive if they remain in business long enough. #epochtv #factsmatter #RomanBalmakov #Roman #epochtimes #ntdtv #news #newsupdate #interview #progressive #congress #foodsupply #eathealthy #FDA #CIA #academia #foodshortages #foodindustry #control #truth
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Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon August 11, 2022
CDC Falsely Claims Link Between Heart Inflammation and mRNA Vaccines Wasn't Known for Most of 2021 💥🔬💉🩺🥼 #roman #factsmatter #epictv #CDC #mrna
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Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon August 11, 2022
Real Story of FBI's 10-Hour Raid on Trump's Home: Interview With President Trump's Lawyer #fbi #trump #epictimes #roman
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