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Atlanta, GAUSA


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@VoicerMedia January 24, 2022
Between 30,000 and 35,000 attended the protest, which was organized by the group Defeat the Mandates. The marchers demanded an end to mandates and vaccine passports. #notomanda #medicalfreedom #righttochoose #protest #savefreedom #antityranny

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@LiliRey January 23, 2022
They gaslight and say anything else is misinformation instead of saying this is what is believed to be accurate at this point . Anyone who questions their science is bully and belittled. #Censorship #righttochoose #righttoquestion

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@VoicerMedia November 8, 2021
#bodyauthonomy #medicalfreedom #righttochoose #bornfree