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Atlanta, GAUSA
Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez August 27, 2023
I’m voting for the guy who has the most arrests and indictments. Because that means he has actually fought for something. I’m voting for the guy most hated by the media and GOP elites. Because that means he’s ******* all the right people off. #Trump2024 #Nostoping #Dicttato
Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans July 23, 2023
Universal healthcare should not be left or right wing issue iust common sense
Arbrielleee@gmail.com Login to follow!
@Arbrielleee@gmail.com July 20, 2023
Learn to create a successful app by defining objectives, validating ideas, designing, and testing. Choose the right tech and developers for a smooth app development journey. #Build an App From the Scratch #Create an App From the Scratch #How to Build an App From the Scratch #How to Create an App
Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans April 4, 2023
Semi and fully automatic weapons were not a reality at the time the 2A was written. Firearms shooting out small nukes are not a reality today. But what if they are tomorrow? Does this right have any limitations?
Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans April 4, 2023
For the slow morning crowd- the argument to own certain firearms boils essentially down to “it’s our right”. But our “right” is limited by what can be imagined and manufactured. You can buy only what’s available to you.
Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans April 4, 2023
Exactly. The Right’s obsession with trans is like Liberal’s obsession with racism. Other than media, I’m just not experiencing it in my daily life much. Does it exist? Sure. Should we do better? Yeah. And both sides say “no, but THIS is a REAL issue!” You’re being distracted.
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran January 29, 2023
Sounds about right...😏 #Gendermadness #Men #Woman #Democrats
Paul Jones Login to follow!
@PaulJones January 24, 2023
Idk if I'm the only one but does it feel like 2023 the world is flipping right side up again? We've been living in the land of the "are you ******* kidding me" era it's like common sense is making a comeback 😂 #Russiagate #Fbi #Corrupt
Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias January 18, 2023
Pretty much 🤣 If you think parenting is easy, you’re not doing it right. Watch your kids
Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon December 19, 2022
Here is my conversation with Tim Robbins, who has won an Academy Award and two Golden Globe Awards during his career. He explains his awakening during the pandemic & how somethings didn't seem right to him... #pandemic #covid #vaccines
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