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Atlanta, GAUSA
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran November 29, 2022
Why aren't Republicans in office spouting their history on a regular basis for all the world to hear? The fact is many voters have been fooled to believe that Democrats are the "good guys". Some even believe the lie that the parties somehow switched sides... Republicans need to step up , say facts😶 #Democrats #Republicans #Racist #PlannedParenthood #Babymurder
Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson June 29, 2022
#PlannedParenthood was originally called “#TheNegroProject” founded by #MargaretSanger, a white supremacist eugenicist who believed Black babies needed to be killed to preserve the white race. #thenegroproject #plannedparenthood
Shared Media
A LOT of people in the West support eugenics.
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) June 28, 2022
They just don't call it that anymore.