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Atlanta, GAUSA


Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus July 23, 2023
It gives the chickens perspective on their lifespan. They will plan their numbered days! 😂

Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon September 14, 2022
Putin has a DEVASTATING message for Germany and the EU | Redacted with Clayton Morris Germany's economy continues to collapse due to its NATO conflict with Russia. Was this the plan all along? #redacted #claytonmorris #europe #putin #russia
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey September 3, 2022
Helping Ukraine is helping Military Complex Industry that funnel money to career politicians. Career Politicians only care for their own pockets. Of course I don't support Putin but the Ukraine war wasn't all his plan. There are many other beneficiaries within the US and most ordinary US citize #ukrainewar #desantis #amnesty #immigrationlaws #illegalimmigration
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Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon August 26, 2022
An0maly @LegendaryEnergy "Trump made a deal with the devil. He can’t just separate himself from it like Bolsonaro. Trump is the self-proclaimed “father of the vaccine”. Operation Warp Speed man. He hired a pharmacy lobbyist to lead the biggest health agency in America & did Pharma/Gates’ plan. #trump #lobbyist #pharma #gates #warpspeed #alexjones
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BREAKING: Alex Jones (long time Trump supporter) gives Trump a deadline to turn against the vaccine. If he doesn’t Alex says he is “consciously compromised or actively part of this”. pic.twitter.com/1S5TNdrkwr
— An0maly (@LegendaryEnergy) August 26, 2022

VoicerMedia Login to follow!
@VoicerMedia July 5, 2022
The family of Jayland Walker has planned a press conference immediately following the release of Akron Police body camera footage from the night he was killed. #JaylandWalker #akronpolice #policeshooting #family #pressconference
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Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL June 23, 2022
New behind-the-scenes planning documents contain shocking evidence of the real purpose of President Joe #Biden’s Disinformation Governance Board—which became known as Biden’s Ministry of Truth #ministryoftruth #Bidenorwelliandidinformation #governanceboard #voicernews
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Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus April 27, 2022
As Elon plans to make the algorithm of Twitter open source, this seems to be the first time regular people will get to view how one of the big social media sites actually function. 😁 #twitter #elonmusk #socialmedia #algorithm #freespeech

Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL April 16, 2022
Nothing is left to chance 😒 #planned #noaccidents #nocoincidence #politicsplaybook #politics

Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL March 14, 2022
Murder in God's Plan? A Fatal Attraction Or Abuse Of Power? Mystery & Makeup Bailey Sarian #baileyserian #mistery #makeup
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Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus February 23, 2022
Kyle is fighing back after the mainstream media spread lies about him and plans on helping others in similar situations #MainstreamMedia #mediaintrouble