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Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL November 13, 2023
Israeli-Palestinian refers to the ongoing conflict and complex relationship between Israelis and Palestinians in the Middle East. The situation involves political, historical, and territorial issues, with both groups having legitimate claims to the land. It's a topic that elicits diverse opinions #gaza #Israeli-Palestinian #palestine #israel

Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans August 12, 2022
It isn’t a “truce” when only one side is being slaughtered. It’s mercy. Israelis use disproportionate force to make their point, but what is their point exactly? That they’re more dangerous and murderous so don’t mess with them? Who is the real terrorist? #israel #palestinian #islamicjihad #gazabombardment
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It isn’t a “truce” when only one side is being slaughtered. It’s mercy. Israelis use disproportionate force to make their point, but what is their point exactly? That they’re more dangerous and murderous so don’t mess with them? Who is the real terrorist? https://t.co/wkfTOw6In2
— Kim Iversen (@KimIversenShow) August 8, 2022

Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias April 20, 2022
Kim lversen criticizes Pro-Ukraine activists' silence on brutalities committed against Palestinians. #hypocrisy #palestine #israel
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