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Atlanta, GAUSA
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@TulsiGabbardFans November 28, 2022
It’s no accident the number of transgender youth doubled in the last 5 years, and children mastectomies are up 389%. It’s a direct result of the radical ‘woke’ agenda being pushed on our kids by so-called “healthcare professionals,” MSM/social media, and even Biden directly. #transgender #Biden #mastectomies #woke #msm #agenda
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It’s no accident the number of transgender youth doubled in the last 5 years, and children mastectomies are up 389%. It’s a direct result of the radical ‘woke’ agenda being pushed on our kids by so-called “healthcare professionals,” MSM/social media, and even Biden directly. pic.twitter.com/FliY3MWuET
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) November 27, 2022