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Atlanta, GAUSA


Russell Brand Fans Login to follow!
@RussellBrandFans September 13, 2023
So, Trump Just Said THIS About Vaccines And It Changes EVERYTHING As Donald Trump denounces efforts by the left to rekindle "COVID hysteria", mask mandates are returning to various parts of the country. So, will lockdowns follow, and after being heavily criticized for the hands-off approach to COVID #covid #pandemic #mask #lockdowns #masks
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Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren January 4, 2023
Communism kills ☠ I'm praying for everyone who has been brainwashed by the spiritual and psychological warfare of the elite which was put here to divide and conquer us. No one deserves to be in this position. #Unhealthy #Nwaneri #Heartfailure #covidvaccine #Covid #Mandate #Vaccinepassports #Forced vaccination #Brainwash

Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon October 7, 2022
Do you research well my friends😏 #vaccines #mandate #dirtypolitics

Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias September 13, 2022
Businesses across the United States are backing away from covid vaccine mandates. Batya Ungar-Sargon and Robby Soave discuss why these businesses are not publicly talking about their decision to drop vaccine requirements. #covid #covid19 #vaccinemandates #covidvaccines
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Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans August 12, 2022
We don’t need an exemption, the entire mandate needs to end. Unvaccinated Americans can travel freely to Europe yet Unvaccinated Europeans like Novak Djokovic can’t travel here. Meanwhile, our 4x dosed President has covid. When will the lunacy end? #covidvaccine #exemptions #unvaccinated #travel #lunacy
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We don’t need an exemption, the entire mandate needs to end. Unvaccinated Americans can travel freely to Europe yet Unvaccinated Europeans like Novak Djokovic can’t travel here. Meanwhile, our 4x dosed President has covid. When will the lunacy end? https://t.co/wdTtE3Y1V7
— Kim Iversen (@KimIversenShow) August 6, 2022

Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson July 15, 2022
It's an absolutely frightening insight into the tribal nature of human behavior. That's how every single authoritarian regime ever has come to be #vaccineinjury #VaccineMandates #vaccinechoice #vaccinesideeffects #covid19vaccine #mandate #force #authoritarian
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I still can't get over the fact that millions of people thought it was OK to fire so many good, hardworking people from their jobs... simply because they didn't want to take a new and rushed injection that doesn't prevent viral transmission anyway.
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) July 13, 2022
I lament for humanity.

Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus February 28, 2022
COVID vaccine mandates and passports are NOT medical interventions, but political ones. #covid19 #mandates #vaccinepassports

VoicerMedia Login to follow!
@VoicerMedia February 15, 2022
If forced to choose, Novak Djokovic said he would skip the French Open and Wimbledon, foregoing the chance to overtake Rafael Nadal's record haul of 21 Grand Slams titles, rather than get Covid vaccine #covid19vaccine #mandates #bodyauthonomy #choice
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VoicerMedia Login to follow!
@VoicerMedia February 13, 2022
Canada’s truckers are becoming a stand-in for the world’s working class in what is shaping up to be an epic struggle with vaccine mandates standing in for many grievances. #freedomconvoy2022 #canada #democracy #freedom
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Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL February 13, 2022
You know how bad things really are when Bill Maher aligns with your political views #freedomconvoy2022 #canada #billmaher #mandates #freedom
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