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Atlanta, GAUSA


Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus January 11, 2024
DROPPING NAMES: Comedian Katt Williams unloads on Hollywood 'deviants' in scorched-earth rant. He says 2024 would likely be the year when 'all lies will be exposed. #Foxnews #Kattwilliams #Hollywood #Deviants

Tulsi Gabbard Fans Login to follow!
@TulsiGabbardFans October 6, 2023
💯 Tulsi is not lying. The blend of fantasy and reality for the sake of being polite has had a bad effect on society. We can be kind without being dishonest. Empathy does not require us to abandon truth. There should be no room for these questionable ideologies in our kid's schools either.
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The fact it’s controversial for the UK Prime Minister to say “a man is a man, a woman is a woman. It’s just common sense” shows how crazy society has become. Without objective truth, we remove all guardrails of our society, and the truth becomes whatever someone believes it is. pic.twitter.com/lhNPE7I72Z
— Tulsi Gabbard 🌺 (@TulsiGabbard) October 5, 2023

Russell Brand Fans Login to follow!
@RussellBrandFans September 13, 2023
So, They LIED To Hawaii Victims About THIS As Maui residents continue to struggle despite Biden’s vow of aid, news reports on the house fire from his recent speech don’t match his telling of it. So if Joe Biden lied to a vulnerable audience, can we really trust that he will deliver on his promises #joebiden #hawaii #fire #maui #joebiden #hawaii #maui
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Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez April 4, 2023
At first I was brained washed but now I see that they will do anything to get him out of the picture because they are afraid, I'm latino and bought in to the lies but now I and everyone else can see that they will do anything to get rip of people who they are afraid of and can't control. #trump #indictment #demoncrats #politicalpersecution
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Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus December 25, 2022
The government routinely lies and omits the truth. See Iraq and WMD's. If we're denied potentially truthful information from foreign nations, regardless of the motives, all we're left with are the government approved lies and half truths.

Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran November 29, 2022
Why aren't Republicans in office spouting their history on a regular basis for all the world to hear? The fact is many voters have been fooled to believe that Democrats are the "good guys". Some even believe the lie that the parties somehow switched sides... Republicans need to step up , say facts😶 #Democrats #Republicans #Racist #PlannedParenthood #Babymurder

Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias November 28, 2022
No lies detected. Probably because they were all "close".

Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran November 14, 2022
Blurred lines. Sean Penn gives Zelensky his Oscar. Actors be actors. The war is the spiritual war on Gods children. #puppets #war #ukraine #lies #nowar #nowarinukraine #laptop #hunter #biden #biolab #trump #win #jesus #endtimes #truth #light #awakening #shine #woke
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Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus September 17, 2022
What's crazy is that everybody ended up getting the Rona anyway... As predicted. Nobody has apologized for the global scale demonization, discrimination, and loss of human decency. Everybody is just carrying on like all is cool and always was. Billions of relationships were damaged over this. #corona #lies #discrimination #medicalfreeedom

Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL September 9, 2022
According the CDC director, a new MRNA vaccine designed to target BA.5, which was tested on 8 mice for approval, will ALSO somehow protect against FUTURE strains of this highly mutagenic virus? This is a blatant lie from the CDC director But please carry on #cdc #vaccines #covid #data #variants