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Atlanta, GAUSA


Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren December 5, 2022
There are few things more revealing of an authoritarian mindset than wanting Google and Apple to use their monopoly power to act as internet overlords, dictating who can and can't be heard, what ideas are and are not permitted. Yet that's our situation and so many seem grateful.

Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren December 5, 2022
There are few things more revealing of an authoritarian mindset than wanting Google and Apple to use their monopoly power to act as internet overlords, dictating who can and can't be heard, what ideas are and are not permitted.

Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran October 9, 2022
With a member of the US admitting at a WEF 'Disinformation ' event that they work with Google to influence what people see when they type "climate change" - no matter what the narrative - how can we trust that what we Google is the whole story? #WEF #BilIGates #climatechange
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Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon August 9, 2022
Ep. 122: Alex Jones; Rumble v. Google; NYT; FBI Corruption; Trump Indictment Risk & MORE! #alexjones #rumblevsgoogle #trump #FBIcorruption #vivafrei
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Sonia LS Login to follow!
@SoniaLS May 13, 2022
Hypocrisy much? @MSNBCs @AriMelber on Musk buying Twitter: “You could secretly ban one party’s candidate…turn down the reach of their content while turning up the reach of someone else.” #control #MSNBC #CNN #Google
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Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias April 17, 2022
Duck Duck Go was supposed to be an alternative search engine to Google. Instead they are doing the exact same thing Google is doing by censoring independent media. #duckduckgo #censoring #indepedentmedia #FreeSpeech

Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown March 13, 2022
Arizona U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters weighs in on big tech censorship by Google and DuckDuckGo, says ' were running out of options.' #FoxNews
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Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL March 12, 2022
If they are going to downrank a person, company or in this case a country or nation, then they are no different than google. It’s completely centralized, when market should operate freely. #freedomofspeech #freespeech #duckduckgo

Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL January 7, 2022
We’re told that the government wants to reign in the powers of Big Tech. That may be true in terms of limiting free speech, but not limiting the awarding of contracts relating to the War on Terror. #Google #WarOnTerror #BigTech #bomshell #Microsoft #amazon
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