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Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans January 8, 2023
The gas heating prices in California have suddenly TRIPLED over what was already suddenly DOUBLED. Meaning we are now paying FIVE TIMES higher gas rates than what we paid in November. WHY? Because the US is selling gas to Europe because we forced them to cut off gas with Russia. #Russia #gas #inflation

Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren January 4, 2023
Communism kills ☠ I'm praying for everyone who has been brainwashed by the spiritual and psychological warfare of the elite which was put here to divide and conquer us. No one deserves to be in this position. #Unhealthy #Nwaneri #Heartfailure #covidvaccine #Covid #Mandate #Vaccinepassports #Forced vaccination #Brainwash

Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans December 5, 2022
They call YOU a dictator loving fascist while they label all opposition as misinformation, force people to take their medicines that don’t work and tell people to shut up and sit down because they have the wrong color skin. #misinformation #VaccineMandates

Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran December 3, 2022
How does this make you feel friends? Especially those coerced into taking "it" over fear of job loss. Or those in our military that were forced. Or... those that have family members that suddenly. #Sweden #Wins #Covid #Vaccine #School #Lockdown

Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias September 9, 2022
Don't blame breast-feed male babies . They didn't ask to have succulent, milk-filled breasts put in their mouths; they were forced on Them. Once they got hooked, they associated breasts w/milky goodness. Moms are to blame-they're the pushers; male babies are the victims... 🤣 #breastfeed #malebabies

Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans August 12, 2022
It isn’t a “truce” when only one side is being slaughtered. It’s mercy. Israelis use disproportionate force to make their point, but what is their point exactly? That they’re more dangerous and murderous so don’t mess with them? Who is the real terrorist? #israel #palestinian #islamicjihad #gazabombardment
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It isn’t a “truce” when only one side is being slaughtered. It’s mercy. Israelis use disproportionate force to make their point, but what is their point exactly? That they’re more dangerous and murderous so don’t mess with them? Who is the real terrorist? https://t.co/wkfTOw6In2
— Kim Iversen (@KimIversenShow) August 8, 2022

Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson July 15, 2022
It's an absolutely frightening insight into the tribal nature of human behavior. That's how every single authoritarian regime ever has come to be #vaccineinjury #VaccineMandates #vaccinechoice #vaccinesideeffects #covid19vaccine #mandate #force #authoritarian
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I still can't get over the fact that millions of people thought it was OK to fire so many good, hardworking people from their jobs... simply because they didn't want to take a new and rushed injection that doesn't prevent viral transmission anyway.
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) July 13, 2022
I lament for humanity.

Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown June 30, 2022
We Talk to Interracial Couples 50 Years After Loving v. Virginia (HBO) Mildred and Richard Loving, who successfully sued the state of Virginia, forcing it to recognize their interracial marriage. #LovingvsVirginia #mildredloving #richerdloving #interracialcouples
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Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias June 30, 2022
Jordan Peterson Has A Theory For Why ‘Lightyear’ Flopped 💥 Attributed the failure of “Toy Story” spinoff “Lightyear” — which garnered controversy for including a same-sex kiss— to market forces. #jordanpeterson #lightyear #toystory #flopped #dailywire

VoicerMedia Login to follow!
@VoicerMedia February 15, 2022
If forced to choose, Novak Djokovic said he would skip the French Open and Wimbledon, foregoing the chance to overtake Rafael Nadal's record haul of 21 Grand Slams titles, rather than get Covid vaccine #covid19vaccine #mandates #bodyauthonomy #choice
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