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Atlanta, GAUSA
Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans December 5, 2022
They call YOU a dictator loving fascist while they label all opposition as misinformation, force people to take their medicines that don’t work and tell people to shut up and sit down because they have the wrong color skin. #misinformation #VaccineMandates
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran October 5, 2022
As Hillary Clinton compares Trump supporters to Nazis, she also praises, what the left are declaring, "fascist" Giorgia Meloni's Italian election victory. So, much like the I Nazis in Ukraine, are some fascists OK, or are all these terms just manufactured for political gain? #hillaryclinton #trump #georgia #fascist #georgiameloni #nazis #ukraine
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