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Atlanta, GAUSA


Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon August 13, 2022
I Can't Believe He Did This! As Justin Trudeau now joins the Netherlands, Germany and Sri Lanka in making applying pressure to farmers over emissions, do politicians and their rich friends they give tax cuts to follow the same climate goals'? #justintrudeau #canada #farmersprotest #climatechange
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Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson July 15, 2022
Climate activists expand tire-slashing operation beyond NYC. Here are the cities they've hit #climate #greenhouse #emissions

Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown July 6, 2022
Kim Iversen: MASSIVE Farmer Protest Rises Up Against AGENDA 2030 Climate Regulations Kim discusses the farmer protests that have broken out around the Netherlands over Nitrogen emissions. #kimiversen #thehill #rising #farmers #farms #agenda2030
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