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Atlanta, GAUSA
Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias April 17, 2022
Duck Duck Go was supposed to be an alternative search engine to Google. Instead they are doing the exact same thing Google is doing by censoring independent media. #duckduckgo #censoring #indepedentmedia #FreeSpeech
Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown March 13, 2022
Arizona U.S. Senate candidate Blake Masters weighs in on big tech censorship by Google and DuckDuckGo, says ' were running out of options.' #FoxNews
Shared Media
Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL March 12, 2022
If they are going to downrank a person, company or in this case a country or nation, then they are no different than google. It’s completely centralized, when market should operate freely. #freedomofspeech #freespeech #duckduckgo