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Atlanta, GAUSA


Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon October 6, 2023
What they’re doing to the children in this country for profit is beyond anything comprehensible by anyone with an ounce of morality #Puberty blockers #Transgenderism #Transagenda
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Follow the money … https://t.co/R1F3sHDUvl
— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) October 4, 2023

Russell Brand Fans Login to follow!
@RussellBrandFans September 26, 2023
Well done Russell, do not let them silence you. Millions of us around the world are awake and fully understand the coordinated attack. You speak truth and will be heard regardless of the platform #RusselIBrand #consciousness #Attack

Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon June 2, 2023
I just do not understand how we all can get “leaks” and solid proof of all the crookedness but nothing absolutely nothing is done.

Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez May 28, 2023
Example: when a dark color Dominican achieves something we DON’T SAY A BLACK DOMINICAN HAS BEEN THE FIRST TO DO THIS. As we often see here in America “The first black person has done this” We say: The first Dominican that has done this. We don’t separate our race based on skin color #Race #Division #Usa #American #americanblackhistory

Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon March 22, 2023
After car cleaning is done. Pigeon 1: kshh this is alpha 1 confirming target on sight. Control tower : its go time soldier. Strike target down. Alpha 1,do you copy? Alpha 1: Roger that. Death from above.... A rain of pigeon poop later - affirmative that's a direct hit target is rendered dirty

Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans March 20, 2023
If the system is designed to eventually collapse and they are responsible for the system, then yes they are doing it all on purpose.
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Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias January 18, 2023
Pretty much 🤣 If you think parenting is easy, you’re not doing it right. Watch your kids

Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson December 25, 2022
The $1.7 TRILLION OMNIBUS BILL What the hell are all these politicians doing? All they want to do is spend money they do not have, and make us pay taxes. #conservative #conservativenews #conservativemedia #conservativenews #republican #news #media #american #america #biden #economy #thedailydrop

Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey December 20, 2022
They doing everything they can stop him from running for president again that’s what this is about. Which of these crimes has the CIA not committed against the global south? It would be xenophobic and hypocritical to charge Trump and not every other living president war crimes. #Warcrimes #Trump #Jan6 #hypocritical