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Atlanta, GAUSA
Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans July 23, 2023
Universities are overwhelmingly disproportionately wealthy and liberal. The only risk of discrimination would be against conservatives, the poor, and anyone who doesn't fit their trendy narrative of the moment. #Liberal #Universities
Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL November 14, 2022
If you are one of the millions of people who screamed at strangers over the past few years, alienated your friends, family, or neighbors for not wanting to take a shot or wear a muzzle, or who supported straight up medical discrimination and segregation, then it's not too late to say, "I'm sorry". #discrimination #civilrights #civilliberties #manipulation
Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus September 17, 2022
What's crazy is that everybody ended up getting the Rona anyway... As predicted. Nobody has apologized for the global scale demonization, discrimination, and loss of human decency. Everybody is just carrying on like all is cool and always was. Billions of relationships were damaged over this. #corona #lies #discrimination #medicalfreeedom
Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey April 17, 2022
Laws are intended to maintain order and promote justice, but what happens when those laws promote and spread discrimination and bigotry? DIscriminatory history US law, colonialism and chattel slavery #chattelslavery #justice #mass #incarceration #discriminatory
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