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Atlanta, GAUSA
Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey March 6, 2023
They did this in the new James Bond movie. Bond was infected with a DNA killing virus that targets people and there specific DNA sequence. Foreshadowing in movies is always crazy. #DNA #Data
Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL September 9, 2022
According the CDC director, a new MRNA vaccine designed to target BA.5, which was tested on 8 mice for approval, will ALSO somehow protect against FUTURE strains of this highly mutagenic virus? This is a blatant lie from the CDC director But please carry on #cdc #vaccines #covid #data #variants
Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias April 24, 2022
The Week: Fauci Admits To Vaccine COERCION, Biden RUNNING AGAIN in '24, Wuhan Data DELETED? #covid #covidvaccine #fauci #coercion #bidenadministration
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Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown March 10, 2022
Kim lversen: Pfizer Vax Docs Released By COURT ORDER, Data Tells The REAL STORY About Side Effects #pfizer #vaccinesideeffects #courtorder
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VoicerMedia Login to follow!
@VoicerMedia February 15, 2022
We cannot censor you! Your data cannot be collected or stored. No one can exchange it for profit. You can now speak freely without the risk of being silenced and/or exploited. 😃 #sovereignty #censorshipresistant #freedom
Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey November 18, 2021
HEALTH FDA Says it Needs Until Year 2076 To Reveal Data Pertaining To Pfizer Vaccine Approval. #datatransparency