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Atlanta, GAUSA


Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez January 15, 2024
The new docuseries, "Out of This World," detonates decades of conspiracies surrounding aliens and threats to American national security. 🛸💥 Exploring the unknown and shedding light on mysteries that have captivated us for years. #OutofThisWorld #AlienConspiracies #NationalSecurity

Paul Jones Login to follow!
@PaulJones September 2, 2023
Why is that unexpected??? The jobs that they reported were high because people were going back to work after the pandemic… it wasn’t new created jobs and now the market is settling in… no wonder the unemployment rates are rising.. Bidenomics build back worse #Aliens #Conspiracy #Distraction #Outofthisworld

Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson January 2, 2023
The medical establishment has a vested interest in making you dependent on their pharmaceutical products! They have no desire to cure illness. Only to treat your symptoms for the rest of your life! #Stablishment #Conspiracy #Pharma

Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson December 4, 2022
The "conspiracy theorists" have bees so much more accurate than the media on virtually everything... in my opinion of course as the fact checkers will come up with a way to say that's not true so I'll disclaim accordingly. #conspiracytheorists #Proudly

Kim Iversen Fans Login to follow!
@KimIversenFans November 28, 2022
Why is it that whenever I turn on @CNN one of the first 5 phrases I hear is always “conspiracy theorist” or “election denier” etc?

Russell Brand Fans Login to follow!
@RussellBrandFans October 17, 2022
Since everyone knows Assange speaks the truth, his statements cut through any conspiracy theories. Even those who want him to remain in prison admit he is telling the truth. That is why he is their Nemesis; an opponent that cannot be beaten! #JulianAssange
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Julian Assange is in a legal battle against extradition to the US where he could face a 175 year prison sentence. I spoke with his wife Stella Assange about his situation & to highlight the human chain demonstration on TODAY #assange #JulianAssange https://t.co/n8vnzqcOXn pic.twitter.com/0emkAnU2DK
— Russell Brand (@rustyrockets) October 8, 2022

Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL September 3, 2022
The DARK Secrets of Anne Heche's Life & Strange Death I Conspiracy Theories Flood
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Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson July 15, 2022
Is this supposed to be a 'conspiracy theory'? Nah, they won't "enforce", they just take away your job, prevent you from travelling, deny you healthcare, but no, no enforcement 😏 #VaccineMandates #covid19vaccine #coercion #conspiracytheorists #conspiracy
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And then 1 year later pic.twitter.com/MwcxcKwqcn
— Ghost (@Ghostvor) July 12, 2022

Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 15, 2022
People will see this video and still call it a conspiracy theory. #conspiracy #theory #pfizer #davos

Sonia LS Login to follow!
@SoniaLS March 13, 2022
Events in Ukraine have seen interest resurface in the business dealings of the president’s son with Ukraine, Russia and China. Is this yet another past “conspiracy theory” that can no longer be dismiss #hunterbiden #corruption #burisma #businessdealings #ukraine
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