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Atlanta, GAUSA
Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon October 6, 2023
If you can’t get a tattoo by age 18, you shouldn’t be able to get a “gender-affirming” surgery or chemical castration before age 18 either. “Affirming” a kid’s confusion isn’t compassion. It’s cruelty. Tell that to the Biden Administration. 😒 #Affirming #gender-affirming #transsurgery
Sonia LS Login to follow!
@SoniaLS April 27, 2022
This is SICKENING!😲 I mean come on have some human compassion left or right it is wrong to celebrate death of our fellow humans #liberals #portland #trumpsupporter #empaty #compassion #lefties #left #right
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Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL December 27, 2021
#spiritual #faith #faithful #god #praying #believe #spirituality #trust #peace #calm #mind #soul #hope #wisdom #compassion #forgiveness #thankful #knowledge #meditation #life #meditate
Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey December 13, 2021
"You deserve EVERYTHING you did to others" (To your judgment if that gives you fear or joy) #empaty #compassion
Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey December 11, 2021
Both political parties are trash, but I'm getting a particular big kick out of watching the party of compassion turn into the authoritarians.