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Atlanta, GAUSA


Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren January 4, 2023
Communism kills ☠ I'm praying for everyone who has been brainwashed by the spiritual and psychological warfare of the elite which was put here to divide and conquer us. No one deserves to be in this position. #Unhealthy #Nwaneri #Heartfailure #covidvaccine #Covid #Mandate #Vaccinepassports #Forced vaccination #Brainwash

Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus July 19, 2022
Joe Rogan: Canada Is COMMUNIST, 'Dictator' Justin Trudeau Has GOT TO GO | Batya & Robby Discuss #thehill #rising #justintrudeau #joerogan #canada #communist #communism
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Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL February 4, 2022
Problem with the principle of communism assumes that EVERYONE has the same goals/ideals as everyone else - which is an impossibility given that everyone is different. #communism #capitalism #freemarket
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Stop saying that 'Communism is a good idea on paper'.
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) February 4, 2022
No. It's not.
It's a stupid idea on paper and a murderous idea in execution.