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Atlanta, GAUSA
Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson July 15, 2022
Is this supposed to be a 'conspiracy theory'? Nah, they won't "enforce", they just take away your job, prevent you from travelling, deny you healthcare, but no, no enforcement 😏 #VaccineMandates #covid19vaccine #coercion #conspiracytheorists #conspiracy
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And then 1 year later pic.twitter.com/MwcxcKwqcn
— Ghost (@Ghostvor) July 12, 2022
Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias April 24, 2022
The Week: Fauci Admits To Vaccine COERCION, Biden RUNNING AGAIN in '24, Wuhan Data DELETED? #covid #covidvaccine #fauci #coercion #bidenadministration
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey December 27, 2021
"Do as I say Or else"😠 #truthseeker #intimidation #coercion #force