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Atlanta, GAUSA
Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez July 16, 2024
Terrible choice. Several polls showed Scott added 7 points to the ticket, Rubio 4. Vance ZERO. The minority population of the gop wanted proof of the gop turning the corning and we failed. JUST ANOTHER ALL MALE, ALL WHITE TICKET 😕 #Allwhiteticket #Missed #Opportunity #Unite #Gop
Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus January 11, 2024
'WE HAVE NO CHOICE ': The former president said the crisis at the southern border is "not sustainable For our country" when asked how he would handle the influx of illegal immigrants already in America. #Foxnews #Trump #Illegal #Immigrants #Openborders #Influx #America
Tulsi Gabbard Fans Login to follow!
@TulsiGabbardFans October 16, 2022
Above all, while defending our own vital interests, nuclear powers must avert those confrontations which bring an adversary to a choice of either a humiliating retreat or a nuclear war. -JFK #jfk #tulsi #humiliating #retreat #nuclear #war
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 16, 2022
Today senator Rand Paul asked Fauci, "Can you tell me if anyone on the vaccine approval committees ever received money from the people who make vaccines?" #fauci #Vaccines #corrupt #Choice
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Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 16, 2022
Dr Steve James, who confronted the Health Secretary regarding COVID vaccinations, says NHS staff "do not want to be coerced" into getting a vaccine and making them mandatory is "wrong". #vaccines #covidvaccine #VaccineMandates #choice #bodyauthonomy
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Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 16, 2022
The “vaccine” should be a choice and only a choice. #vaccineinjuries #vaccinemandates #vaccinechoice #medicaltreatment
VoicerMedia Login to follow!
@VoicerMedia February 15, 2022
If forced to choose, Novak Djokovic said he would skip the French Open and Wimbledon, foregoing the chance to overtake Rafael Nadal's record haul of 21 Grand Slams titles, rather than get Covid vaccine #covid19vaccine #mandates #bodyauthonomy #choice
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Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias February 9, 2022
Thank you Shaq for speaking out against the mandates and standing for individual choice! ❤️🇺🇸 What's one of your favorite... #choice #nomandates #donotcomply
Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus January 18, 2022
My Body...NOT My Choice? SCOTUS Fails To Address Human Rights Aspect Of Vax Mandate Kim Iversen takes a closer look at the Supreme Court's ruling on the Biden administration's workplace vaccine mandate #mybodymychoice #risk #mandate #mandates #domain #freedom #medicalfreedom
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey December 2, 2021
Where there is risk, there must always be a choice without recourse 🤨 #noliability #noconsequences