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Atlanta, GAUSA


Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL September 9, 2022
According the CDC director, a new MRNA vaccine designed to target BA.5, which was tested on 8 mice for approval, will ALSO somehow protect against FUTURE strains of this highly mutagenic virus? This is a blatant lie from the CDC director But please carry on #cdc #vaccines #covid #data #variants

Vernon Login to follow!
@Vernon August 11, 2022
CDC Falsely Claims Link Between Heart Inflammation and mRNA Vaccines Wasn't Known for Most of 2021 💥🔬💉🩺🥼 #roman #factsmatter #epictv #CDC #mrna
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Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran August 6, 2022
The Biden administration declared a public health emergency for monkeypox on Aug. 4 in a bid to unlock funding and more powers to deal with the virus, which officials say is primarily spreading among homosexual males. #monkeypox #cdc #homosexualmales
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Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran June 16, 2022
Utah senator demands answers from CDC, FDA after hundreds of vaccine patients suffer 'life-altering #cdc #VaccineMandates #vaccinesideeffects #vaccineinjuries #accountability #pharma
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Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias May 9, 2022
Selective ignorance. They choose not to know because they would have to admit the correctness of what others they ridiculed and held at a low standard for. #ignorance #cdc #covid #pandemic
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Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL May 1, 2022
In Pfizer's documents to the SEC, there are troubling revelations. The company says that profitability this year could be impacted by the Covid vaccine's safety, efficacy and the medical community. #pfizer #covidvaccine #mrna #safety #cdc #fda
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey January 20, 2022
Because the Lack of transparency and honesty 🤪 #cdc #credibility #notransparency

Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown January 13, 2022
"The #CDC Director destroyed the Biden regime’s argument for #VaccineMandates – and implicitly acknowledged that we’ve been lied to for two years. It’s a scandal of immense proportions." #VaccineMandates
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