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Atlanta, GAUSA
Ben Semoran Login to follow!
@BenSemoran November 14, 2022
Blurred lines. Sean Penn gives Zelensky his Oscar. Actors be actors. The war is the spiritual war on Gods children. #puppets #war #ukraine #lies #nowar #nowarinukraine #laptop #hunter #biden #biolab #trump #win #jesus #endtimes #truth #light #awakening #shine #woke
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Sonia LS Login to follow!
@SoniaLS March 13, 2022
There are 25+ US-funded biolabs in Ukraine, which if breached, would release & spread deadly pathogens to US/world. We must take action now to prevent disaster. #ukraine #biolabs #nato #UN #Russia #US #europe #pathogens #labs
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey March 11, 2022
So This Is What They've Been Hiding #ukraine #biolabs #russia #victorianuland
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