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Atlanta, GAUSA
Russell Brand Fans Login to follow!
@RussellBrandFans September 26, 2023
Well done Russell, do not let them silence you. Millions of us around the world are awake and fully understand the coordinated attack. You speak truth and will be heard regardless of the platform #RusselIBrand #consciousness #Attack
Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL January 22, 2022
Sometimes... but nah #awake #holdtheline
Shared Media
You've no idea how much I wish I wasn't the way I am.
— Clifton Duncan. (@cliftonaduncan) January 22, 2022
I wish I could just shut up.
I wish I could just go with the flow, take the path of least resistance, do as I'm told.
My life would be so much easier.
But I can't. I just can't.
I don't know why.