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Atlanta, GAUSA
Russell Brand Fans Login to follow!
@RussellBrandFans December 31, 2023
The push to embrace authoritarian measures to “save democracy” is obvious. I'm confused. Are we protecting democracy by not allowing people to vote for one of the candidates? #vote #democracy #authoritarian
Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren December 5, 2022
There are few things more revealing of an authoritarian mindset than wanting Google and Apple to use their monopoly power to act as internet overlords, dictating who can and can't be heard, what ideas are and are not permitted. Yet that's our situation and so many seem grateful.
Lauren Login to follow!
@Lauren December 5, 2022
There are few things more revealing of an authoritarian mindset than wanting Google and Apple to use their monopoly power to act as internet overlords, dictating who can and can't be heard, what ideas are and are not permitted.
Tom Jackson Login to follow!
@TomJackson July 15, 2022
It's an absolutely frightening insight into the tribal nature of human behavior. That's how every single authoritarian regime ever has come to be #vaccineinjury #VaccineMandates #vaccinechoice #vaccinesideeffects #covid19vaccine #mandate #force #authoritarian
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I still can't get over the fact that millions of people thought it was OK to fire so many good, hardworking people from their jobs... simply because they didn't want to take a new and rushed injection that doesn't prevent viral transmission anyway.
— ZUBY: (@ZubyMusic) July 13, 2022
I lament for humanity.
Sonia LS Login to follow!
@SoniaLS February 11, 2022
Canada's Authoritarian leaders send threats to convoy + Ontario declared to be in a state of emergency. #freedomconvoy2022 #freedom #justintrudeau #canada
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Bob Brown Login to follow!
@BobBrown January 18, 2022
Former Hawaii congresswoman explained importance of maintaining the freedom to challenge authorities on ‘The Next Revolution.’ #authoritarian #antiliberty #antidemocracy
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Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus January 18, 2022
Tulsi Gabbard knocks Biden admin as 'authoritarian' and 'unacceptable' #autho #FoxNews #Hannity #authoritarian
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey December 11, 2021
Both political parties are trash, but I'm getting a particular big kick out of watching the party of compassion turn into the authoritarians.