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Atlanta, GAUSA
RoswiloD Login to follow!
@RoswiloD February 4, 2024
Ancient Romans used a sponge on a stick, known as a "spongia," as a primitive form of toilet paper. The sponge was kept in a bucket of saltwater and shared among people in public restrooms. It might not be the most glamorous aspect of Roman life but it's an interesting glimpse into their habits
Laura L Login to follow!
@LauraL November 26, 2023
Honey Never Spoils: Archaeologists have found pots of honey in ancient Egyptian tombs that are over 3,000 years old and still perfectly edible. 🐝 🐝 🐝 🐝 #funfacts #honey #bees
Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL November 13, 2023
The ancient Romans used a system of numbering based on letters of the alphabet. For example, I is 1, V is 5, X is 10, L is 50, C is 100, D is 500, and M is 1000. This system is known as Roman numerals, and it's still used today in certain contexts, such as numbering the chapters, super bowls #romans #alphabet #letters
Karina A Login to follow!
@KarinaArias March 15, 2022
The truth of voodoo revealed. A look at the sources of voodoo in ancient African religion, current day practitioners, and the startling phenomenon of possession. #AncientMysteries
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Lucas Damascus Login to follow!
@LucasDamascus March 15, 2022
How did Egyptians pronounce the language behind the hieroglyphs? #egyptians #ancient #language
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Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey February 3, 2022
Many have said, "Well, what difference does it make even if the Ancient Egyptians were Black? It makes a very big difference! if a child see's himself in greatness first, he wil aim to that. #blackhistory