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Atlanta, GAUSA


Carlos Martinez Login to follow!
@CarlosMartinez May 28, 2023
Example: when a dark color Dominican achieves something we DON’T SAY A BLACK DOMINICAN HAS BEEN THE FIRST TO DO THIS. As we often see here in America “The first black person has done this” We say: The first Dominican that has done this. We don’t separate our race based on skin color #Race #Division #Usa #American #americanblackhistory

Sarah L Login to follow!
@SarahL February 10, 2023
On May 9, 1899, John Albert Burr patented an improved rotary blade lawn mower. Burr designed a lawn mower with traction wheels and a rotary blade that was designed to not easily get plugged up from lawn clippings. John Albert Burr also improved the design of it to mow closer to walls #Johnalbertburr #28daysofblackhistory #americanblackhistory #Africa #Lawnmower

Lili Rey Login to follow!
@LiliRey February 3, 2022
On February 3, 1948, Rosa Lee Ingram, a black woman, and two of her children, Wallace, 17, and Sammie Lee, 14, were convicted by an all-white jury in a one-day trial in Ellaville, Georgia. #americanblackhistory #blackhistorymonth #28daysofblackhistory #whitesupremacy #evil